For this task we was asked to produce a stop motion animation using traditional or digital methods. Be able to produce a television ident. We got put into groups/pairs for this task, I was teamed up with Sidique. We discussed different ideas and produced a mind map to jot down all of our ideas. We then put all of these ideas together and put together all the simplistic but also the creative ones, we had a hard thought over it but managed to narrow it down to three options and in the end we decided to go with using some clay and the CWC logo paper cut out idea.
Paper Cut Out Animation from shirlene on Vimeo.
Above is a an example of a paper cut out animation which inspired me to go ahead with my ident being paper cut out as its pretty simple and quite interesting to watch. The narrative behind our ident is pretty straight forward the logo is drawn out which then comes to life and attempts to run away but gets caught and transforms into small pieces who then try again to escape but get caught up and splattered into small clay pieces which is then formed to bring back the CWC logo. We at first had used a DSLR camera to capture our shots but this proved to be very difficult and time consuming. We would always lose our previous position and by mistake move the props by accident causing us to start all over again which was very stressful. So we decided to use a much easier approach by using the iStopMotion webcam and doing our ident on iStopMotion. This proved to be a whole lot easier than our previous method with the DSLR camera. By using the time lapse setting on the program we was able to set how long we wanted our shots in between to be and with it being on continuous mode I was able to assist my partner in positioning the props correctly and in time with the lapse.
The soundtrack that we used was taken from an apple TV commercial which put an effect on the ident making it come to life. Not only did it do that but we wanted to make people feel interested and not get bored. Also by adding sfx to the ident this helped it to sound and look more comical. The whole purpose behind this ident was t show that CWC is a creative and exciting college. One of my main strengths I would say was the pre production we had completed I managed to use my time effectively and plan out everyting on time. With the feedback received on our ident overall I am happy that the ident went well, the only negativity we had received was the pencil disappearing and Plasticine reappearing towards the end but other than that I am able to identify my strengths and weaknesses which will keep me aware on what I will have to do in the future.
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