Genre: Romance, Social-Drama & Thriller
Theme: Scapegoat, Betrayal, Love, Hatred, Torment
General Synopsis: The main storyline of this is that the storyline is about a guy called Danny who is sleeping in his room and he has a weird dream. This dream conducts of him being in the same room but waking up to a call that he get's strangely from his doctor. After having mixed thoughts and feeling of what the situation is, he then gets a answer from the doctor that he is diagnosed with cancer and he then has a very angry and frustrating feeling about the situation.
After he hears that he is diagnosed with the problem, next day when he attends college he is not responding to any of his class mates, ignoring them one by one and therefore he is that stubborn and anxious with everyone that he even misses class, and no one knows how the current situation he has is terribly affecting his life and routines. After of couple days of not seeing anyone and just missing out classes day by day, he then see's something that torments him within his minds and emotions. His best friend Tyler aka his brother for life is been seen with his girlfriend Scarlett, flirting, having an amusing time with her, not caring what the situation is going on with Danny and therefore taking risk to unleash Danny's rage.
When Danny enters the scene where he see's his girlfriend and Tyler having a flirtatious conversation he then is enraged by this problem and later is gone with angered emotions. One of Danny's other mates Zack see's this situation occurring and confronts Tyler and Scarlett face to face telling them that Danny has been suffering for the past day's with a brain tumor syndrome (cancer) and has been affecting his way of life and the reason why he hasn't hardly spoken to anyone.
After when Tyler hears the moment of pain from what Zack say's Scarlett then leaves with sad emotions making her feel destructed by the news and Tyler then goes to the toilet. Danny then see's Tyler entering the toilet and then is going to the toilet to do something he has never done before (which is revenge). When Danny enters the toilet, he then draws out a gun from his pocket and then waits for the moment for Tyler to come out and shoots him twice into the body (head and heart). When Tyler is shot down and seeing terrible retribution done and dusted by Danny suddenly the scene is ended with a fade...
Similarities with films & other media relations:
This 5 minute movie has loads of similar concepts with huge stories within the media and also films that relate to the situation of the story.
Films like: Adulthood, Going down, The Crazies have drawn the inspiration from the way the cinematography, camera shots, plot-line have demonstrated amazing sequences and gave me an idealistic thought that I can compare my own synopsis with these great films. This is because that if I can compare the relevant sequences taken within those films, I can totally fufill the content with good uses of shots and a continuous story line that will amaze the audience.
I will be using loads of Digetic & Non-Digetc sound in the short 5 minute film to mix the tensity and make the story line more dramatic.
I will be using loads of Digetic & Non-Digetc sound in the short 5 minute film to mix the tensity and make the story line more dramatic.
- Lana Del Rey - Born to Die
- Sounds such as the city noise, the park with birds, and many more atmospheric noises can give the digetic sound for the audience to hear and the characters themselves.
- DSLR Camera
- SD Card
- Tripod
Prop List
- Couch
- Plant
- Carpet
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