Wednesday, 26 September 2012


Audio                                          Cashtastic - My life                                                                                                            
"Hi my name is Rifat Rahman I'm 17 years old and I currently                     
study BTEC level 3 creative media production at CWC college."

Picture: Close up on the face.

"I was born in Bangladesh and came to this country when I was
about one years old? year later my brother was born in 1996."  

Picture: Close up on the hands.

"My hobbies and interests I would say are playing football, going
to the gym, cycling, playing games, reading newspapers etc. My                             
interest would be playing with my iphone and an interest in the color     

Picture: Over the shoulder shot.

"What makes me different I would say is that im more hilarious than most
people I know and certainly more exciting than they are. My inspiration is                
Sir Alan Sugar because he from nothing went to being one of the most                   
successful entrepeuners about."

Picture: Wide shot

"In 10 years time I would like to see myself as a millionaire but also
successful at what I do. For me to relax I sleep. Sleep is something I love               
to do if anyone wakes me up I get really frustrated. If i would sell myself in two       
sentences I would say I am a hard working and motivated person who has the
drive to work and complete every task given to me."     

Picture: Creative Shot                                                                                                                                         

Monday, 24 September 2012

Five shot rule

Sequential shooting will enable the camera to shoot rapidly and continuously by holding the shutter button down. Depending on the resolution being used, two or three frames per second are possible. 

The 5 shot rule consists of 5 different shots placed in a particular order. So in order as it follows:

  • The close up on hands. 
  • Close up on the face. 
  • Wide shot. 
  • Over the shoulder shot 
  • The creative shot. 
Below is a video which explains how to use the 5 shot rule. Below is also an simple example of my 5 shot rule video.

Friday, 14 September 2012

A little bit about myself.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Different Interactive Media Platforms

Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software and storytelling tool for exploring and sharing ideas on a virtual canvas. Here is an example of my prezi which I created on Different Interactive Media Platforms.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Different Uses Of Video

Here is my prezi presentation on how different uses of video are used in todays world.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Analysis of User Generated Video.

User-generated content (UGC)/User-generated video (UGV) isn’t new, but technology such as video cell phones, home video editing software and video-sharing web sites are making it easier and cheaper than ever to capture, edit and distribute moving images with or without mainstream broadcast media. Even though it’s not as straightforward as simply typing a blog post or uploading an image, video blogging is becoming more and more popular. An example of a user generated video that I have chosen is the highly popular Diary of a Badman. The video is all put together to make a video diary of this so called Badman with the ‘good looks’ about his experiences around good and bad company. Comedy sketches about a troubled young man with the mentality of a 7 year old, growing up in the hood learning meaningful lessons along the way. Below is an example of one his videos. This can be shown on different media platforms such as computer, smart phones and games consoles. The purpose of the video is to entertain his audience and also towards the end of the video give out a message and put its point across. Editing of the video could be seen quite complex as you wouldn’t see an amateur user putting a video together like this. Image quality can be seen as quite high even the though the fact that it might have been compressed to be uploaded no pixellation has occurred. Sound quality is crystal clear giving us audience a good sound of the video and more reason for us to continue on watching other episodes. The audience this reaches out to are particularly the younger generation specifically teens aged from 13-18 year olds but this is also suitable for all age groups.

Analysis of User Generated Video

User Generated Video can be defined as a video that is shot by a member of the audience: non - professionally produced video. This type of video is common on YouTube an example of this can be seen below. The online comedy sketch series starring a trio of friends who meet and love chilling on their wall and the hilarious events that take place in their everyday lives. Mandem On The Wall reaches out to teenagers 13 - 17 who enjoy watching a series of comedy of teenagers and their lives, this could relate back to their own lives who knows. This video appears on a number of digital platforms for example a computer, a smartphone, PS3 and all technology products that are compatible to view YouTube videos. The purpose of this video was to get the majority of audience laughing and entertained, and also to be able to persuade them to continuously click the replay button. By increasing the views on one video this could boost up the audience and gain a much bigger number meaning an increase in popularity. Internet services are increasingly becoming more socially oriented,
often allowing people to publish and share media files. Due to the easy portability of
camera-enabled mobile phones, video recording with mobile phones has become one
of the most popular means for capturing videos of interesting and unanticipated
events. Image quality can be seen as quite high, professional video has been used. IR media the company which help to put this series together. The sound quality is very clear and every word which has been said proving that this video is worth watching. Editing is quite impressive the use of explosions in episode 5 really caught my eye. The lighting into the effect and flash which made it look like as if they was in a real movie.

Analysis of Viral Marketing video.

Viral marketing, viral advertising, or marketing buzz are buzzwords referring to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks and other technologies to produce increases in bran awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self - replicating viral processes, analogues to the spread of viruses or computer viruses. It can be delivered by word of mouth or enhanced by the network effects of the internet and mobile networks. Viral Marketing may take the form of video clips, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, text messages, email messages, or web pages. A good example of a viral marketing video could be the well known French brand water Evian. Today Evian is owned by Danone Group, a french multinational company. In addition to the mineral water, Danone Group uses the Evian name for a line of organic skin care products as well as a luxury resort in France. Below is there Viral Marketing Video their video can be seen as quite entertaining and straight forward. By viewing this video not only will it instantly catch their attention but also they can have a laugh at the same time, with the use of babies on roller skates which in fact is a very unique idea as you don't ever see a baby on a roller skate now do you? Most attention is drawn to the babies as they are seen as cute, chubby, cuddly, bubbly etc. Editing can be seen as quite complex in this video most people will instantly think high tech software has been used with the fact that babies on roller skates gives them a clear idea that you will not find that on today's streets. Not much resources where needed for the production of this video apart from a computer and maybe a camera the fact that budget was kept to a minimum we can instantly see that it has gained a mass popularity due to the fact that certain things were used in this case the babies on roller skates. This is more than enough reason for the target audience to go and purchase the product.

Analysis of Viral marketing video.

Another form of advertising is a type of video called viral this is where a video becomes popular through the process of internet sharing, typically through internet media sharing websites, a video, image or text spread by "word of mouth" on the internet or by email for humorous  political or marketing purposes; of or relating to a biological purpose; caused by a virus; of the nature of an informatic virus; able to spread copies of itself to other computers, such as YouTube, on YouTube people can upload videos they have made which can then get views, where people view the video, if then the video becomes popular the channel that the user owns will start to get subscriptions where other people on YouTube receive messages on which the persons channel uploads new videos. The video can also be shared on social networking sites by posting the link in a 'status'. Facebook becoming the most popular, people then click on the link which take them to the video. This is another form of advertising, its called viral advertising where as stated above a video gets spread across the internet via media sharing websites and social networking sites, it could also be called 'word of mouth' advertising. This is probably one of, if not the most effective way of advertising for designers and producers because its free, and if a friend tells you to watch something you are more than likely going to do it than if a television ad comes on and tells you to. An example of viral marketing video that I have chosen is the Iphone 5 trailer. You can view this trailer below. In this video the senior vice presidents of each and every department explain in detail what the iphone5 has to offer. This can be viewed on many different platforms such as mobile phone or a computer. Reason for being available on many different other platforms gives the user an ease of use to watch it anywhere and everywhere. This video targets people who are particularly interested in technology and like to update their collection on the Iphone series. The editing for this video was made to look at what the Iphone is capable and compatible of. Simple and straightforward editing. As the release date slowly approaches for the Iphone 5 people are eager to find out what this phone has to offer and what it makes it more unique than other phones out on the market already. This really reaches out to its audience as they will be interested in the launch of this product. Budget wise we could imagine that it was quite high as this Iphone will be quite expensive. The video in my opinion in terms of quality is crystal clear no file compression was used or it will turn out to be more pixelated causing a poor image quality.


Key Terms

Video FormatsVideo is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion. Different video formats are used by different programs and/or operating systems. A few of the most popular formats for digital video are .avi (Microsoft), .mov (Quicktime), .wmv (Windows), and .flv (Flash). 

StreamingThis is a method of data transfer which involves a constant stream of data. An example of this is if you are watching a movie or video clip online, the data is being downloaded as you watch it. For example Ustream is a website where movies/video clips can be viewed online.

File Compression Reducing the size of files for ease of storage and transfer. WinZip is an example of an application that compresses files. 

Aspect RatiosThe ratio of image width to image height. Common motion-picture ratios are 1.85:1 and 2.35:1. Television screens are usually 1.33:1 (also known as 4:3). 4:3 for standard systems, 5:4 for 1K x 1K, and 16:9 for HDTV.

Frame Rates The rate at which frames are played or recorded.